Monday, September 12, 2011

Lang Motors - the electric car company

Developing Electric Vehicle Dealerships in Vancouver, and across Canada - It's about helping drivers make healthy commute choices - making cities and life more sustainable.

Hello, my name is Denis Lang, and I represent Lang Motors the electric car company. We are continuing a family tradition by bringing the electric car first to Vancouver, then across Canada.

Lang Motors started based on a few fundamentals:

• Respect
• Personal Achievement
• and Fun

Lang Motors is a progressive thinking, environmentally friendly, Canadian business venture dedicated to the promotion and sales of the new zero-emission vehicle (ZEV) including Neighborhood Electric Vehicles (NEV)

Our main objective is to attain and maintain a position as the primary source of zero-emission vehicles (ZEV), first in Vancouver, then across Canada. Lang Motors intends to increase the use of ZEV in all areas of vehicular transportation, from moving people to moving goods.

We create and promote nine (9) "Electric Avenues" ZEV Dealerships located across Canada: Vancouver, Calgary, Edmonton, Winnipeg, Toronto, Ottawa, Montreal, Quebec City, and Halifax. This opens up the door for other potential "Electric" cities in Canada to uniquely position themselves as regional leaders in an aspect of sustainable transportation. Canada currently does not have a dealership dedicated to ZEV. Lang Motors Ltd. aims to fill this void.

Lang Motors profit sharing program will be kept and distributed in local participated communities in form of scholarships to financial challenged students.

My passion for the automobile came from my father, a former Chrysler dealership owner in New Brunswick. While working with my father, I developed a detailed knowledge of the industry, future trends, and opportunities, and thus became a spokesperson for clean car technology.

In addition, I am a global-thinking, entrepreneur who believes in sustainable business development, which includes social responsibility, green / environmental practices and corporate profitability.


Lang Motors Ltd. was incorporated under the Business Corporations Act on May 17, 2006.


Lang Motors has played an integral role in the development and implementation of the Neighborhood Electric Vehicle (NEV) Class in British Columbia.


"We Will Thank Denis Someday - Denis Lang has been relentless in his quest to bring the electric car to Canada. I have witnessed the heartaches and frustration that he has endured in the past few years, and yet he persists because he believes in his goal. One day, all British Columbians, will thank him for that." - Francis Mak - Supervisor @ Translink (Vancouver Transit Authority)


"My meeting with Mr. Lang was very insightful and it is hard not to share his devotion, belief and enthusiasm when it comes to the future of this innovative technology and derived products. Frankly, he comes across as a visionary for the market trends associated with electric-powered vehicles, and certainly acts as an ambassador for the technology!" - Andre Gour Commercial Officer @ Province of Quebec


"I recently met with Denis Lang, of Lang Motors in Vancouver. Mr. Lang is trying to establish nine electric car dealerships across Canada. We need a change in federal legislation to make this possible so these and similar sustainable vehicles can operate in our communities." - Gregor Robertson, Mayor @ City of Vancouver


"Thanks to Visionary Denis Lang, champion of electric cars, the Neighborhood electric Vehicles (NEV) can now drive on the streets of Port Coquitla, Burnaby, and Vancouver. The City of Vancouver amended its traffic bylaws to allow Neighbhorhood Electric Vehicles (NEV) on roads with posted speed limits of 50km/hr, with PoCo and Burnaby quickly following suit." - Shared Vision Magazine

Take a Chance And Try Something Different!

Try and leave this world a little better than you found it.

A Neighborhood Electric Vehicle (NEV) is Where the Deprogramming Begins

Experts believe our lifestyle is unsustainable. In the Living Planet Report 2010 , World Wildlife Fund has determined that in 2007 we used an substantial amount of resources and having a global footprint only bearable for one other Earth ... and a half. According to the WWF at the current pace of growth, it will be two planets that will be needed by 2030. Problem: we only have Earth.

If we want to leave a viable planet to our children, a radical shift to the decrease in production and consumption in the West is inevitable. Except in the eyes of the vast majority of Westerners, this is mere assertion of economic heresy.

Meanwhile, the advertising program continues tirelessly to us. More, more, more and more. Bigger house, bigger car. We are programmed for so long to see our desires as needs that we are less able to demonstrate insight, we are addicted to over consumption.

And citizens of emerging countries, who have lived so many hardships, do their best to adopt our North American way of life (and life patterns). At the same time an event occurs seemingly harmless, but that challenges the very notion of what is and should be a car. Cross the path of a Neighborhood Electric Vehicle (NEV) is where the deprogramming begins.

Car running on oil was adopted because it represented freedom, has made us slaves of the ultra-polluant fuel. As for the supposed limitations of NEVs due to its shorter autonomy, it will make you feel free differently.

The Neighborhood Electric Vehicle (NEV) can be a great car if you are able to deprogram yourself and if you are able to adopt a rational and simple lifestyle. Most people do not need more from a car.

Forget the plush interior, or even faux plush. Forget the sensual textures, we are in the plastic. Forget the seductive forms. Forget the feeling of power.

One quickly realizes, after some adjustments, planning trips become easier, and then it makes the experience of driving a NEV very pleasant. Its acceleration is quite acceptable, it is comfortable in the city and is particularly agile.

This silence, simplicity, this liberation from the juggernaut of oil, what unspeakable joy! In short, the NEV is the deprogramming.

The NEV also provides a significant increase in occupant protection when compared to other low speed transportation options in the marketplace such as bicycles and motorized scooters. The relative position of the NEV in terms of road safety must also be understood to include increased protection for cyclists and pedestrians in the event of a collision with a lighter weight, slower moving low speed vehicle.

'Laneway Housing Project' - Buy a House Get a Fully Electric Car

Picture taken on August 19, 2009 with Mr. Art Cowie at his Cowie Rowhouse Project (now known as The Cambie Rowhouse Project) - 'Laneway Housing Project' located on Cambie Street in Vancouver Canada. Mr. Cowie passed away on November 21, 2009 - Art was a former 4-time Vancouver Park Board Chair and city councillor, provincial MLA, and internationally renowned landscape architect and planner - We were introduced in the spring of 2007 - Art became a mentor, financial supporter, and we became good friends. Art wanted to place Neighborhood Electric Vehicles (NEV) in every Rowhouse garages (buy a house get a car). Art was always slightly ahead of his time.

What Are You Willing to Pay to Reduce Carbon Emissions in Your Neighborhood?

For most North Americans, their car is their lifeline, and giving it up entirely may not be realistic. Still, your gas-guzzling SUV isn’t always necessary to get you from point A to point B. According to the most recent National Household Travel Survey, the average car trip was about 16 kilometers in 2009, while the average distanced traveled to work was 20 kilometers.

Using Neighborhood Electric Vehciles (NEV) just makes sense these days. With some of the models costing as little as 1 cent per kilometer to operate why would you choose something else?

Face it. If your daily commute is about 40 kilometers or less, you will be better off in a Neighborhood Electric Vehciles (NEV).

In addition to the cost savings, NEVs don’t pollute the environment, because you don’t need to put fuel in them, they don’t release any harmful toxins in the air, which drastically reduces air pollution, especially when there are currently more than 2 billion cars on the road.

Most Arguments Against Neighborhood Electric Vehicles (NEV) Are Absurd.

The cars we drive today follow the same underlying design principles as the Model Ts of a hundred years ago and the tail-finned sedans of fifty years ago. In the 21st century, cars are still made for 20th century purposes. They're well suited for conveying multiple trips over long distances at high speeds, but inefficient for providing personal mobility within cities – where most of the world's people now live.

As oil becomes scarce and pollution and climate change increase, people (hopefully sooner than later) will finally realize that transporting a 90-kilogram person in two (2) tonnes of metal just isn't sustainable, especially in urban areas.

The unfortunate thing for us is that when people finally realize they are better off in a Neighborhood Electric Vehicle (NEV), they'll simply say it was obvious to everyone all along.

Lang Motors – making cities and life more sustainable.

Can You Imagine Driving a NEV? How Do You Think That Would Impact Your Personal Life?

- There are more household electrical outlets (110V) in one major Canadian city vs. the total number of gas stations in the world.

- Neighborhood Electric Vehicles (NEVs) can’t be served by mainstream channels (traditional automakers) because they see only the product’s weaknesses relative to their current business.

- There is a deliberate attempt from mainstream channels to confuse the issue by constantly comparing the Neighborhood Electric Vehicles (NEVs) to long-range ICE (Internal Combustion Engine) and HYBRID vehicles. NEVs are short-range applications period. (Short Range = 100 klm or less)

- Not everybody needs to go on the highway.

- The average car in Canada travels 30 kilometers a day.

- The average car in Canadian cities cruises at 27 km/h.

- The average car in Canada sits parked 23 hours a day.

- A NEV can satisfy over 90% of the average driver's needs.

- If your commute is route predictable, the capabilities of the NEV may be an excellent choice for yourself and your family.

Because we live in an advanced society much of our knowledge comes from other people. Some of that knowledge is just plain wrong, but because the herd thinks it's true, we are expected to believe it. After all, it's not our nature to assume that we, as individuals, are smarter than the combination of thousands or millions of people who have believed things for centuries. But often an individual does discover a new truth or discovers that something the herd thought was true is not true at all. When this happens knowledge is often lost because the individual submits to the will of the herd.

In conclusion, I imagine a time not too far from now in which every single person who lives in city/urban centers will love driving NEVs. This is the world I can see. Can you imagine driving a NEV? How do you think that would impact your personal life? This is the world I imagine and it is possible if we work together to create it. The NEV will not only change the way that you drive, but the way you live. It’s not a car, it’s a cause.

Driving Green in Vancouver

I have traveled over 1800 kilometers with the yellow & white GEM neighborhood electric vehicle (NEV) in Vancouver - Conducted many test-drives, and presentations to all levels of local government, corporations, associations, businesses, and direct to the consumer - Logged daily tests in many different 'real world' situations. The all-electric NEV will not only change the way that you drive, but the way you live. It’s not a car, it’s a cause.

Save The City – Save The World

Delivery and courier services are some of the cornerstones of our civilization – whether it’s the pony express, snail mail, UPS, or Domino Pizza, the idea that we, as individuals, can receive physical goods from “out there” is something most of us take for granted. North American delivery businesses, for the most part, run on oil – making the price of oil a critical part of a fleet manager’s budget plans and delivery/trucking businesses (as a whole) a critical part of any alternative energy solution… but you already know about that.

The 'Made in Canada' NEMO is a new kind of delivery vehicle that will help cities improve their air quality, and give shops and retailers within urban centers the ability to effectively place (and ship) smaller orders more profitably. The NEMO – if nothing else – is very different from the gas-guzzling medium-duty vans you’re used to seeing clogging up the right turn lanes here in North America.

The NEMO is a Neighborhood Electric Vehicle (NEV) that can deliver courier services along a predetermined route, with enough flexibility built into its design to allow local businesses to add (or remove) fully-loaded (or fully empty) cargo on-site, a huge time-saver that allows the same vehicle to take on more routes in a given day than a conventional delivery truck. In addition to being fueled by local sustainable energy, the NEMO is such a time saver that, one NEMO can replace 5 to 8 regular delivery trucks in an urban settings.

With widespread adoption and the (potential) removal of so many large petrol vehicles from the road, the NEMO design could significantly reduce traffic congestion and improve the fuel economy of the cars around them and the overall health of a city’s residents by simply reducing their need to sit in traffic behind large, idling diesel trucks.

I predict that each NEMO could represent a reduction in diesel fuel use by up to 20,000 liters each year, and cut CO2 emissions by up to 30 tons.

Are Neighborhood Electric Vehicles (NEV) Safe? Yes, They Are.

While there are often concerns raised about Neighborhood Electric Vehicle (NEV) safety on public roads, there has been little hard data in the form of traffic statistics to suggest they are unsafe. There are occasionally anecdotal stories about the issue and a recent one from the Myrtle Beach area suggested that safety of the vehicles is not an issue. In Myrtle Beach and some surrounding towns NEVs are allowed on public roads. In nearby Surfside the police chief reports that only one accident in the last three years required emergency service. He attributes most of the accidents to people driving while under the influence of alcohol which, of course, is not related to the type of vehicle but to the drivers themselves.

Source: The Sun News


It is critical that one understands what a NEV is and what it is not. Neighborhood Electric Vehicles (NEV) is not required to satisfy highway capable standards when that clearly is not the intention or legal requirement of the car. As per The National Traffic Highway Institute (NHTSA) the Neighborhood Electric Vehicle (NEV) is among the safest classes of vehicles in operation in the United States. The NHTSA determined that standard passenger crash testing does not apply to the NEV class.

The admirable NEV safety record can be attributed to such things as:

- Better driver control and awareness at lower speeds.

- Increased reaction time due to lower operating speeds.

- Shorter braking distances.

- General use of NEVs in lower speed applications, and that drivers of NEVs are fully aware of their operating design and drive them appropriately.

The NEV also provides a significant increase in occupant protection when compared to other low speed transportation options in the marketplace such as bicycles and motorized scooters. The relative position of the NEV in terms of road safety must also be understood to include increased protection for cyclists and pedestrians in the event of a collision with a lighter weight, slower moving low speed vehicle.

The underlying problem with a NEV as a street product is not the car. It is the driver. Why do we need to go faster than 50 km/h in the city? It's full of people on bicycles and cross walking. Besides, there is only ever 1 person in the car. What is safer, an NEV or a motorcycle? There is no mechanical reason that prohibits a NEV from going more then 40 km/h. It's always been interesting that motorcycles (which have no protective enclosure) can operate on any road and are relegated to the same speed restrictions as automobiles which have extensive (and regulated) safety features. It's also interesting that in both cases speed laws are set by government but the onus to operate the vehicle safely and within the speed limit is not set by the manufacturer before the vehicle leaves the factory, but is up to the vehicle operator. Why then would the operator of a NEV not be held to the same level of responsibility?

Lang Motors Objective & Campaign

Our objective…

- is to provide fully electric, zero-emission vehicles to the general public, as soon as they are available.
- raise the awareness of the benefits of driving electric vehicles.
- create a market for clean car technology.

Our campaign is to bring the electric vehicle to communities that need them:

Multi-Vehicle Households.
Taxis drivers.
Pizza-Delivery drivers.
Movie Studios.
University or College Campuses.
Industrial Parks.
National / Provincial / Municipal Governments.

We see a strong opportunity in developing a campaign to move the Neighborhood Electric Vehicle (NEV) into the mainstream, characterizing the NEV as having style and class, and showing that our customers are smart, popular, energetic, responsible, and generally "with it".

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Test-Drive a Neighborhood Electric Vehicle (NEV) in British Columbia

If you would like to test-drive a Neighborhood Electric Vehicle (NEV) in British Columbia, please get in touch with me at 604-669-5564. The Neighborhood Electric Vehicle (NEV) will not only change the way that you drive, but the way you live. It’s not a car, it’s a cause.


Cover shoot for Today's Vancouver WOMAN 'Shared-Vision' Magazine - ELECTRIC WARRIOR -

"Parents must become eco-warriors on behalf of their children because their future should be as important to us as it is to them" - David Suzuki

Changing the Status Quo

Many people are reluctant to accept the idea that they need to make significant changes if they don’t want to send the entire ecosystem into collapse.

Sustainability will be won or lost by those of us living in urban centers.

The future needs not to be a simple extrapolation of the past; public policy can be changed and private investment altered. We can shift to a more environmentally friendly transportation system without unduly restricting freedom of movement.

But unless, many people agree to live closer together on less land and consume less stuff, particularly less stuff from far away, they are rushing off the cliff.

It doesn’t mean giving up quality of life, just quantity of things. And it can’t be solved by good intentions. Sustainability is a collective problem, requiring government intervention and international cooperation on an unprecedented scale. We cannot achieve sustainability on the basis of private initiatives and market forces alone, no matter how efficient the economy.

We all have to be prepared to see the better idea when it arrives. And the hardest part of that is often discarding our old idea. But openness to new ideas has to be tuned just right.

Consumers buying patterns based on price and convenience are shifting towards Corporate Social Responsibility. Consumers value companies with values and ethics. Corporate Social Responsibility should not be an event.

Attitudes can be hard to change, but they can also change very rapidly when a tipping point is reached.

Neighborhood Electric Vehicles (NEV) represents a major step toward the electrification of the transport sector, a transition that has tremendous potential to help solve some big problems.

NEVs are one part of the answer, not the entire answer. NEVs have less moveable parts vs. the traditional vehicles, they are fun to drive, and easy to park.

Changing Behavior: The Biggest Obstacle to Neighborhood Electric Vehicle (NEV) Adoption.

Changing Behavior: The Biggest Obstacle to Neighborhood Electric Vehicle (NEV) Adoption.

FORECAST: Neighborhood Electric Vehicle (NEV) Sales to Increase 45% by 2017

Neighborhood Electric Vehicles (NEV) are gaining popularity.

Neighborhood Electric Vehicles (NEVs) are one of the original “electric vehicle” categories and have been on the market for a number of years. NEVs are street legal. Originally conceived as a way to fulfill the California Air Resources Board zero emissions requirements in the late 1990s, the vehicles have found a niche with fleets on public roads, and city / urban consumers.

According to a new report from Pike Research, the total number of NEVs will grow from 479,000 in 2011 to 695,000 by 2017, a 45% increase. During that period, the cleantech market intelligence firm forecasts that annual NEV sales will rise from 37,000 vehicles to nearly 55,000 units by 2017, and North America will account for 45% of annual sales.

“Neighborhood Electric Vehicles (NEV) are proof that EVs will take many forms in different parts of the world,” says senior analyst Dave Hurst. “And while moderate in terms of sales volumes compared to other emerging vehicle markets, the growth rate for NEVs will double that of the total light duty vehicle market during the same period.”

Pike Research’s report, “Neighborhood Electric Vehicles”, provides a comprehensive examination of the market forces, technology issues, government incentives and regulations, and key drivers of the growth of neighborhood electric vehicles.

Source: Business Wire

Lang Motors Corporate and Environmental Social Responsibilityby

Corporate social responsibility (CSR) affects the bottom line for businesses in British Columbia, and across Canada. Lang Motors is a company that sees the value in embracing ethical business practices. In fact, a recent Ipsos-Reid poll indicated that 75% of British Columbians consciously have made the decision to purchase a product or service from a company because they felt it did business in a socially responsible way. Lang Motors strives to surpass our expectations of what we consider CSR is today. No longer is philanthropy or sponsorship enough to qualify as CSR today. We’re looking for true leaders who are taking risks in their communities and influencing lasting change. Our values permeate our business. Every choice we make from financial institution to delivery to staffing is weighed carefully against our values. Corporate and Environmental Social Responsibility (CESR) is our commitment to operating in an economically and environmentally sustainable manner while recognizing the interests of our communities, customers, and employees.

5 Biggest Reasons for choosing Lang Motors - the electric car company

1 - We listen
2 - We prepare
3 - We see reality through your eyes
4 - We are able to explain what we do
5 - We have clarity as to what overwhelming service looks like

Our goal is more than being a company selling cars – It’s about helping drivers make healthy commute choices.

At Lang Motors, we’re committed to improving every facet of our business to better serve you.

Our objective is to:

- provide fully electric, zero-emission vehicles to the general public, as soon as they are available

- raise the awareness of the benefits of driving Electric Vehicles,

- create a market for clean car technology

Our campaign is to bring the Electric Vehicle to communities that need them:

■ Hybrid-Households
■ Multi-Vehicle Households
■ Couriers
■ Taxis drivers
■ Pizza-Delivery drivers
■ Movie Studios
■ University or College Campuses
■ Resorts
■ Airports
■ Industrial Parks
■ National / Provincial / Municipal Governments

Sign Up Now To Be The First In Line For A GEM (Global Electric Motorcars) Neighborhood Electric Vehicle (NEV)

If you would like to test-drive a Neighborhood Electric Vehicle (NEV) in British Columbia, please get in touch with me at 604-669-5564. The Neighborhood Electric Vehicle (NEV) will not only change the way that you drive, but the way you live. It’s not a car, it’s a cause.

They're here and available in British Columbia! Be the first in your community to become a leader in sustainable transportation. GEM NEVs are great for traveling around city centers or neighborhoods. GEM cars are perfect for short-distance transportation and can be used to transport people or for business services.

NEVs have a great safety record - NEVs are zero emission electric vehicles - NEVs improve air quality - The energy consumption of an NEV is less than 1/5 that of a conventional automobile - NEVs provide freedom and continued mobility for aging or impaired drivers - NEVs are affordable - NEVs support the local economy by encouraging residents to shop locally - NEVs encourage use of existing public transportation

Saturday, June 11, 2011

We Will Thank Denis Someday

"We Will Thank Denis Someday - Denis Lang has been relentless in his quest to bring the electric car to Canada. I have witnessed the heartaches and frustration that he has endured in the past few years, and yet he persists because he believes in his goal. One day, all British Columbians, will thank him for that." - Francis Mak - Supervisor @ Translink (Vancouver Transit Authority)