Monday, September 12, 2011

Can You Imagine Driving a NEV? How Do You Think That Would Impact Your Personal Life?

- There are more household electrical outlets (110V) in one major Canadian city vs. the total number of gas stations in the world.

- Neighborhood Electric Vehicles (NEVs) can’t be served by mainstream channels (traditional automakers) because they see only the product’s weaknesses relative to their current business.

- There is a deliberate attempt from mainstream channels to confuse the issue by constantly comparing the Neighborhood Electric Vehicles (NEVs) to long-range ICE (Internal Combustion Engine) and HYBRID vehicles. NEVs are short-range applications period. (Short Range = 100 klm or less)

- Not everybody needs to go on the highway.

- The average car in Canada travels 30 kilometers a day.

- The average car in Canadian cities cruises at 27 km/h.

- The average car in Canada sits parked 23 hours a day.

- A NEV can satisfy over 90% of the average driver's needs.

- If your commute is route predictable, the capabilities of the NEV may be an excellent choice for yourself and your family.

Because we live in an advanced society much of our knowledge comes from other people. Some of that knowledge is just plain wrong, but because the herd thinks it's true, we are expected to believe it. After all, it's not our nature to assume that we, as individuals, are smarter than the combination of thousands or millions of people who have believed things for centuries. But often an individual does discover a new truth or discovers that something the herd thought was true is not true at all. When this happens knowledge is often lost because the individual submits to the will of the herd.

In conclusion, I imagine a time not too far from now in which every single person who lives in city/urban centers will love driving NEVs. This is the world I can see. Can you imagine driving a NEV? How do you think that would impact your personal life? This is the world I imagine and it is possible if we work together to create it. The NEV will not only change the way that you drive, but the way you live. It’s not a car, it’s a cause.

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