Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Lang Motors = Quality of Life

Since this project aims to improve Quality of Life, Lang Motors gives this definition: A concept to measure to what extent people are living their lives in a humane manner and feeling not only physical but spiritual richness and happiness.

Unlike major manufacturers electric cars, the recharge infrastructure requirement for the Neighborhood Electric Vehicle (NEV) is no more than a normal power V110 outlet. Installing normal power outlets outdoors is very well understood and inexpensive.

Unlike major manufacturers electric cars, the Neighborhood Electric Vehicle (NEV) use a tiny fraction of the land for road surface and parking lots required to operate cars.

Sell a product, you're a vendor. Represent a cause, you're a leader. Own the cause and you lead everyone else. The Neighborhood Electric Vehicle (NEV) will not only change the way that you drive, but the way you live. It’s not a car, it’s a cause.

Nothing great was ever achieved without enthusiasm...

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