Monday, January 3, 2011

The lack of support from Transport Canada by not encouraging the use of Neighborhood Electric Vehicles (NEV)

The Canadian federal government decided to play the “safety” card. And has embedded fear in the tribe.

We have evolved to the point where we know a lot more than we ever did and we now know that a lot of what we believed for centuries is just plain wrong. However, we are still herd animals and it is our instinctive nature to continue to believe what the tribe believes rather than what's logical. Our minds have not yet evolved to the point where logic and reason dominates over tribal patterns.

The challenge today is that there is a huge volume of information out there, much of it biased or deliberately distorted (crass politics). We’re looking for true leaders who are taking risks in their communities, influencing lasting change, and have the ability to assess the credibility of sources.

The Province of British Columbia is right to encourage their use.

It takes courage to believe in what's real.

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