Developing Electric Vehicle Dealerships in Vancouver, and across Canada - It's about helping drivers make healthy commute choices - making cities and life more sustainable.
Hello, my name is Denis Lang, and I represent Lang Motors the electric car company. We are continuing a family tradition by bringing the electric car first to Vancouver, then across Canada.
Lang Motors started based on a few fundamentals:
• Respect
• Personal Achievement
• and Fun
Lang Motors is a progressive thinking, environmentally friendly, Canadian business venture dedicated to the promotion and sales of the new zero-emission vehicle (ZEV) including Neighborhood Electric Vehicles (NEV)
Our main objective is to attain and maintain a position as the primary source of zero-emission vehicles (ZEV), first in Vancouver, then across Canada. Lang Motors intends to increase the use of ZEV in all areas of vehicular transportation, from moving people to moving goods.
We create and promote nine (9) "Electric Avenues" ZEV Dealerships located across Canada: Vancouver, Calgary, Edmonton, Winnipeg, Toronto, Ottawa, Montreal, Quebec City, and Halifax. This opens up the door for other potential "Electric" cities in Canada to uniquely position themselves as regional leaders in an aspect of sustainable transportation. Canada currently does not have a dealership dedicated to ZEV. Lang Motors Ltd. aims to fill this void.
Lang Motors profit sharing program will be kept and distributed in local participated communities in form of scholarships to financial challenged students.
My passion for the automobile came from my father, a former Chrysler dealership owner in New Brunswick. While working with my father, I developed a detailed knowledge of the industry, future trends, and opportunities, and thus became a spokesperson for clean car technology.
In addition, I am a global-thinking, entrepreneur who believes in sustainable business development, which includes social responsibility, green / environmental practices and corporate profitability.
Lang Motors Ltd. was incorporated under the Business Corporations Act on May 17, 2006.
Lang Motors has played an integral role in the development and implementation of the Neighborhood Electric Vehicle (NEV) Class in British Columbia.
"We Will Thank Denis Someday - Denis Lang has been relentless in his quest to bring the electric car to Canada. I have witnessed the heartaches and frustration that he has endured in the past few years, and yet he persists because he believes in his goal. One day, all British Columbians, will thank him for that." - Francis Mak - Supervisor @ Translink (Vancouver Transit Authority)
"My meeting with Mr. Lang was very insightful and it is hard not to share his devotion, belief and enthusiasm when it comes to the future of this innovative technology and derived products. Frankly, he comes across as a visionary for the market trends associated with electric-powered vehicles, and certainly acts as an ambassador for the technology!" - Andre Gour Commercial Officer @ Province of Quebec
"I recently met with Denis Lang, of Lang Motors in Vancouver. Mr. Lang is trying to establish nine electric car dealerships across Canada. We need a change in federal legislation to make this possible so these and similar sustainable vehicles can operate in our communities." - Gregor Robertson, Mayor @ City of Vancouver
"Thanks to Visionary Denis Lang, champion of electric cars, the Neighborhood electric Vehicles (NEV) can now drive on the streets of Port Coquitla, Burnaby, and Vancouver. The City of Vancouver amended its traffic bylaws to allow Neighbhorhood Electric Vehicles (NEV) on roads with posted speed limits of 50km/hr, with PoCo and Burnaby quickly following suit." - Shared Vision Magazine