Experts believe our lifestyle is unsustainable. In the Living Planet Report 2010 , World Wildlife Fund has determined that in 2007 we used an substantial amount of resources and having a global footprint only bearable for one other Earth ... and a half. According to the WWF at the current pace of growth, it will be two planets that will be needed by 2030. Problem: we only have ...one Earth.
If we want to leave a viable planet to our children, a radical shift to the decrease in production and consumption in the West is inevitable. Except in the eyes of the vast majority of Westerners, this is mere assertion of economic heresy.
Meanwhile, the advertising program continues tirelessly to us. More, more, more and more. Bigger house, bigger car. We are programmed for so long to see our desires as needs that we are less able to demonstrate insight, we are addicted to over consumption.
And citizens of emerging countries, who have lived so many hardships, do their best to adopt our North American way of life (and life patterns). At the same time an event occurs seemingly harmless, but that challenges the very notion of what is and should be a car. Cross the path of a Neighborhood Electric Vehicle (NEV) is where the deprogramming begins.
Car running on oil was adopted because it represented freedom, has made us slaves of the ultra-polluant fuel. As for the supposed limitations of NEVs due to its shorter autonomy, it will make you feel free differently.
The Neighborhood Electric Vehicle (NEV) can be a great car if you are able to deprogram yourself and if you are able to adopt a rational and simple lifestyle. Most people do not need more from a car.
Forget the plush interior, or even faux plush. Forget the sensual textures, we are in the plastic. Forget the seductive forms. Forget the feeling of power.
One quickly realizes, after some adjustments, planning trips become easier, and then it makes the experience of driving a NEV very pleasant. Its acceleration is quite acceptable, it is comfortable in the city and is particularly agile.
This silence, simplicity, this liberation from the juggernaut of oil, what unspeakable joy! In short, the NEV is the deprogramming.
The NEV also provides a significant increase in occupant protection when compared to other low speed transportation options in the marketplace such as bicycles and motorized scooters. The relative position of the NEV in terms of road safety must also be understood to include increased protection for cyclists and pedestrians in the event of a collision with a lighter weight, slower moving low speed vehicle.
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