Delivery and courier services are some of the cornerstones of our civilization – whether it’s the pony express, snail mail, UPS, or Domino Pizza, the idea that we, as individuals, can receive physical goods from “out there” is something most of us take for granted. North American delivery businesses, for the most part, run on oil – making the price of oil a critical part of a fleet manager’s budget plans and delivery/trucking businesses (as a whole) a critical part of any alternative energy solution… but you already know about that.
The 'Made in Canada' NEMO is a new kind of delivery vehicle that will help cities improve their air quality, and give shops and retailers within urban centers the ability to effectively place (and ship) smaller orders more profitably. The NEMO – if nothing else – is very different from the gas-guzzling medium-duty vans you’re used to seeing clogging up the right turn lanes here in North America.
The NEMO is a Neighborhood Electric Vehicle (NEV) that can deliver courier services along a predetermined route, with enough flexibility built into its design to allow local businesses to add (or remove) fully-loaded (or fully empty) cargo on-site, a huge time-saver that allows the same vehicle to take on more routes in a given day than a conventional delivery truck. In addition to being fueled by local sustainable energy, the NEMO is such a time saver that, one NEMO can replace 5 to 8 regular delivery trucks in an urban settings.
With widespread adoption and the (potential) removal of so many large petrol vehicles from the road, the NEMO design could significantly reduce traffic congestion and improve the fuel economy of the cars around them and the overall health of a city’s residents by simply reducing their need to sit in traffic behind large, idling diesel trucks.
I predict that each NEMO could represent a reduction in diesel fuel use by up to 20,000 liters each year, and cut CO2 emissions by up to 30 tons.
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