Saturday, January 15, 2011

FOLLOW-UP / UPDATE to January 12 post: "Neighborhood Electric Vehicle (NEV) presentation with the Province of New Brunswick"

New Brunswick Premier, the Honourable David Alward

New Brunswick flag

Today I received the following email from New Brunswick's Premier, the Honourable David Alward.

From: Premier David Alward

Sent: January-14-11 3:31 PM

To: Denis Lang

Dear Mr. Lang:

Thank you very much for your recent proposals regarding your request for facilitation of Neighbourhood Electric Vehicles (NEV).

Transport Canada does establish the standards for safe vehicles and has taken steps to update the definition of low-speed vehicles (LSVs) to be used in applications such as grounds keeping, landscaping and in certain industrial, institutional and controlled settings, which can include any of the following: university campuses, military bases, parks and retirement communities. These are areas where low-speed vehicles do not share the roads with larger, heavier and faster motor vehicles. It should be noted that an electrically powered vehicle that can maintain usual highway speeds would be treated in the same manner as a gas or diesel-powered vehicle. The Minister of Public Safety and Solicitor General, the Honourable Robert B. Trevors, will continue to monitor research and consult with other jurisdictions and stakeholders through our collaboration with the Canadian Council of Motor Transport Administrators (CCMTA) as we develop future courses of action.

I do appreciate the time you have taken to provide information on the NEV and its contribution to lowering greenhouse gas emissions. Our government is interested in initiatives which will provide further reduction of these emissions. However, my foremost concern is the safety standards for use of hybrid vehicles required by Transport Canada.


Honourable David Alward


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